Baby Names Starting With Letter 'I' in Bengali Language

All Bengali baby boy, girl and unisex names are placed in alphabetical order with their meanings and you can view it in English as well as in Bengali language.

Our collection of Modern Baby Names will help you to find a nice name for your new born-baby in Bengali language.

বাংলায় শিশুদের নাম 'I' অক্ষর দিয়ে শুরু হয়। Bengali Baby Names Starts With Letter 'I' list. Baby Names in Bengali language. বাংলা ভাষায় নাম - বর্ণানুক্রমিক - ছেলে এবং মেয়েদের নাম

Found 135 Bengali Baby boy Names Starting With 'I'

Showing 1 - 20 of 135

Ibhan (ইভান) Lord Ganesh, The God having the mouth of the elephant
Ibhanan (ঈভানন) Elephant-faced
Ibhya (ইভ্যা) Possessor of many attendants
Idaspati (ইদস্পতি) God of rain (Lord Vishnu)
Iddham (ইদ্ধম) Shining; Brilliant; Sunshine
Idhant (ইধাংত) Luminous; One who spreads light; Wonderful
Idhayan (ইধাযণ) Joy of heart
Idum (ইদুম) Red
Iham (ঈহম) Expected; Thin; Desire
Ihit (ইহীত) Prize; Honor; Effort; Desire
Ihsaan (এহসান) Kindness; Beneficence; Highest level of Iman
Ijay (ইজয) Lord Vishnu
Ikansh (একাংশ) Whole Universe
Ikrut (ইকৃত) One season
Ikshan (ইক্ষণ) Sight; Eye; Look; Care
Ikshit (ইক্ষিত) Desired; Done with intention; Visible; Beheld
Ilaiyavan (ইলৈযাবান) Youthful
Ilakkuvan (ঈলাক্কুবন) It is the Tamil form of the name Lakshman; It also means an ambitious person; The one who has a goal; Desire
Ilamporai (ইলাম্পোরে) Prince
Ilamurugu (ইলামুরুগু) Young Lord Murugan