Below are the Baby Nicknames of Girl or Boy. Choose the best one for your Baby Girl or Boy.

Pick a name carefully, for the one you choose will be your child’s forever. If you’re looking for the most appealing name for your baby, why not pick from the trending ones? Here are 50 Indian baby girl or boy names that will help you find a name as beautiful as your princess.

MichaelWho is like GodMike
AkshatCannot be injuredAkki
AvinashEternal; unconquerableAvi
DevarshWorshipper of GodDev
DarshanVisions of divineDarsh
WilliamDesire; protectorWilly; Will
DanielGod is judgeDanny; Dan
AdityaSun Adi;Adit
AshutoshLord Shiva; easily pleasedAshu
RishanGood human beingRish
NishanthDestroyer of darknessNish
AbhishekShower of milk or water over an idolAbhi
NileshLord KrishnaNeel
VedantHindu philosophyVed
EdwardWealth; fortune; guardianEddie
ReyanshRay of lightRey
AkshayName of a GodShay
MonishLord of mindMonu
KrishnaLord KrishnaKrish
DavidBeloved; favouriteDave
VikramThe sun of valourVicky
RobertFamous; brightBobby; Rob
SidharthOne who is accomplished Sid;Siddy
LeonardoBrave as a lionLeo